About Us

The Lit Wick Gazette was started in June 2010 as a way for us to have a ministry at our church and to give us a regular place to use our writing skills as well as bless others using domestic pursuits.

The 'lit' in Lit Wick stands for literature as well as referring to being the lit wick of a candle (or lamp) which produces light (Matthew 5:14 -16).  The original idea was based off the Pick Wick Papers talked about in Little Women, and while originally intended for our personal enjoyment, it has gone above and beyond that and has been blessing those in the group and those outside looking in.

Please look through our site, and if God leads you, consider starting your own!

Thank you,
The Editors
(Allie and Aelsa)

Allie Hawbaker (19) is an avid reader and writer. Constantly creating stories, she is hoping to complete at least one of her two novel projects by the end of the year.  She enjoys singing, playing and teaching piano, and she recently discovered that she likes small sewing projects.

Aelsa Butler (18) lives at home under the tutelage of her father and mother and with the friendship of her two younger brothers.  She studies classical violin, plays Irish fiddle, and loves nineteenth-century music.  Aelsa founded the Lit Wick Society in June 2010, and tries to bless others through gifts of her time.  Take a look at her business and blog at pollywollydesigns.blogspot.com.

Sophia Fredrickson (19) truly believes that 'there's no place like home'. She greatly enjoys being with her family, whether it's talking, playing sports, acting, sharing dreams and ambitions, reading aloud together, making a joyful noise unto the Lord, or traveling on one of our family holidays. She finds peace and comfort in going through the Psalms and finding verses that apply to whatever is going on in her life, especially Psalm 62:5.  Her personal blog can be found at simpledelights-phia.blogspot.com

Nicole Mellas (20) is a home-school graduate at home, the fourth of ten wonderful siblings. Five sisters, five brothers. She loves spending time with her family, which could mean anything from a crazy game of dutch blitz, to an awesome game of volleyball, to a prayer meeting, to a jamming session with our many instruments. What fun! Her passions involve God's Word, writing, music, photography, encouraging/strengthening others, and language.

Julie Mellas (17) is the younger sister of Nicole, and plays the violin.  She loves to hang out with her sister Allison, and enjoys playing trenchball and other things with her friends and siblings.

Sarah McDaniels (21) lives at home currently, and works summers with a horse camp ministry.  She plays the piano and writes, and is very excited about  her eldest brother's coming baby!

Michelle Martin (20) lives at home with her widowed mother, is the youngest of four siblings. She works as a part-time nanny, and helps her mom around the house on days off. She is excited for her oldest sister who is in Taiwan teaching England in schools. Her hobbies include: music, writing, serving and encouraging those around her, photography/videography, riding, ultimate frisbee, games, and reading.

Adair Ladin (17) is the eldest child with 3 wonderful siblings. She loves both her crafty side and athletic/competitive side.  Her interests range from playing the piano, trench, scrap-booking, ultimate frisbee, sewing, volleyball, knitting, photography, and baking/cooking. Adair and her family love to help serve their church in any way they can, and they are grateful for everything the Lord has given them and is doing in their lives.

​Jenny Yet​ (19) is so thankful for her ​sister and parents.  When she's not spending time ​with her family, she enjoys ​music, ​visiting, and cooking​/baking! She is thankful for the Lord's guiding hand in her life, and looking forward to what he will teach and where he will lead next!

Britta Geaschel (18) is the eldest of ten children (nine girls and one boy). She is home educated and loves to write, sing, play instruments, take pictures, and compete in her county fair

The Lit Wick Gazette is a private entity, and is not in any way associated with a parent ministry, though individual members are often connected to other organizations.  The Lit Wick Society does mention other ministries for this reason, but do not necessarily endorse all private beliefs of supporters and workers of those same ministries.

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